simal-, simil-, simul-, -semble
(Latin: same, like, alike; same time; to appear, to seem; together)
dissimilar (adjective), more dissimilar, most dissimilar
1. Differing in one or more respects; not alike.
2. Characteristic of being different.
2. Characteristic of being different.
1. The fact, or state, of being different in one or more respects.
2. A point of difference or distinction.
2. A point of difference or distinction.
dissimilarly (adverb), more dissimilarly, most dissimilarly
In a dissimilar manner or in a varied style.
dissimilate (verb), dissimilates; dissimilated; dissimilating
To make or to cause someone or something to become different from others.
1. The act, or process, of making or becoming different.
2. The process whereby one of two, or more, identical or similar sounds in a word is changed or omitted; as in the pronunciation (LIGH ber" ee) for "library".
2. The process whereby one of two, or more, identical or similar sounds in a word is changed or omitted; as in the pronunciation (LIGH ber" ee) for "library".
A condition or quality of differing in one or more respects from someone or something else: Although the girls were twins, the dissimilitude between them was astonishing because they were unlike in many ways; including their hair color, their noses, and their mannerisms!
dissimulate (verb), dissimulates; dissimulated; dissimulating
1. To disguise, or to hide, true feelings, thoughts, or intentions from other people: Henry was lying in bed and dissimulated sleeping when his mother looked in to see if he was all right, although he was still wide awake.
2. To disguise one's intentions with a false appearance: Rebecca didn’t try to dissimulate her determination of talking with her principal about a boy in the class talking about having sex with her.
3. To conceal one's true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; that is, to speak, or to act, hypocritically: James dissimulated as he pretended to be Linda’s friend, but he only wanted to copy her homework, since she was a very good mathematician.

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2. To disguise one's intentions with a false appearance: Rebecca didn’t try to dissimulate her determination of talking with her principal about a boy in the class talking about having sex with her.
3. To conceal one's true motives, thoughts, etc., by some pretense; that is, to speak, or to act, hypocritically: James dissimulated as he pretended to be Linda’s friend, but he only wanted to copy her homework, since she was a very good mathematician.

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1. The process of hiding under a false appearance: Christine smiled, indicating the dissimulation of her urgency after falling on the slippery sidewalk.
2. Etymology: from Old French, from Latin dissimulationem; from dissimulare, "to conceal, to disguise"; from dis-, "completely" + simulare, "to pretend, to simulate".

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2. Etymology: from Old French, from Latin dissimulationem; from dissimulare, "to conceal, to disguise"; from dis-, "completely" + simulare, "to pretend, to simulate".

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dissimulative (adjective), more dissimulative, most dissimulative
1. Concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive; such as, dissimulative arts.
2. Disguised as; for example, one's intentions which are expressed under a feigned appearance.
2. Disguised as; for example, one's intentions which are expressed under a feigned appearance.
A person who professes beliefs and opinions that he, or she, does not have in order to conceal real feelings or motives; a hypocrite, a phony, or a pretender.
1. A group of musicians, dancers, or actors who perform together with roughly equal contributions from all members.
2. A number of different items of clothing and accessories, put together to create an outfit.
3. Something created from a number of individual parts deliberately put together.
4. A section of a larger musical work; such as, a ballet or opera, that all the cast perform together.
2. A number of different items of clothing and accessories, put together to create an outfit.
3. Something created from a number of individual parts deliberately put together.
4. A section of a larger musical work; such as, a ballet or opera, that all the cast perform together.
Et sic de similibus (Latin phrase)
Translation: "And so of similar (people or things); and that goes for the others, too."
This phrase is used to suggest that whatever has been spoken about one person or topic under discussion holds true for related matters as well. The phrase ab uno disce omnes has similarities: "from one example, learn about all" or "from one, learn all".
Fac simile. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Do thou the like [similar]."
Fac similiter. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Do likewise."
1. An exact copy, or reproduction, of something; such as, a document, a coin, or somebone's handwriting.
2. 3. A method, or device, for transmitting documents, drawings, photographs, or the like, by means of radio, or telephone, for exact reproduction elsewhere.
2. 3. A method, or device, for transmitting documents, drawings, photographs, or the like, by means of radio, or telephone, for exact reproduction elsewhere.
An abbreviated form of "fax" is normally used for "facsimile messages".
From an etymological perspective, it is redundant to say, "Would you make a facsimile of this document, please." The term facsimile came from the Latin phrase fac simile, meaning "to make similar", and it was at one time written in English as two words.
In its first recorded English use, facsimile meant "the copying of anything; an imitation".